04.Archytas The surroundings of the lunar North-pole, the middle part of mare Frigoris, and the northern part of the lunar Alps. ALPES VALLIS - Alpes Vallis. This valley was discovered in 1727 by Francesco Bianchini.
ANAXAGORAS - Anaxagoras. (Ἀναξαγόρας) (ca. 500 - 428 BC) Greek Philosopher. Gave a scientific account of eclipses, meteors, rainbows, and the sun.
ARCHYTAS - Archytas. (Ἀρχύτας) (ca. 428 - 347 BC) Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist.
BARROW - Isaac Barrow (1630 - 1677) English theologian and mathematician, friend and teacher of Newton.
BIRMINGHAM - John Birmingham. (1829 - 1884). Irish Moon specialist, amateur geologist, polymath and poet.
BOND W. - William C. Bond (1789 - 1859) American astronomer. Bond and his son George Phillips Bond discovered Saturn's moon Hyperion; it was also discovered at the same time by William Lassell in Britain, and both are given credit. Pioneer in astrophotography.
BYRD - Richard E. Byrd. (1888 - 1957) American polar explorer. Aviator. Descendent of Pocahontas.
CHALLIS - James Challis. (1803 - 1862) English astronomer, theologian and physicist. Almost discovered the planet Neptune as first, saw it, but failed to recognize it for what it was.
EPIGENES - Epigenes. (Έπιγένης) (ca. 250 BC). Greek astrologist. Claimed to have been trained by Chaldeans.
GIOJA - Flavio Gioja. (According to the story born ca.1302) Fictional Italian sailor, who allegedly invented the nautical compass.
GOLDSCHMIDT - Hermann Goldschmidt. (1802 - 1866) German/French/Jewish amateur astronomer and painter. Discovery of the asteroid Lutetia in 1852. Painted of the Great Comet of 1858.
HERMITE - Charles Hermite. (1822 – 1901) French mathematician.
MAIN - Robert Main. (1808 - 1878) English astronomer and theologian. First Assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
METON - Meton of Athens. (Μέτων ὁ Ἀθηναῖος) (ca. 460 BC) Greek mathematician, astronomer, geometer, and engineer, he introduced the leap year into the lunisolar Attic calendar. (432 BC).
PEARY - Robert E. Peary. (1856 - 1920) American polar explorer.
PROTAGORAS - Protagoras. (Πρωταγόρας) (ca. 490 BC – ca. 420 BC) Greek philosopher and author.
SCORESBY - William Scoresby. (1789 - 1857) British oceanographer, polar explorer and sailor.
TIMAEUS - Timaeus. (ca. 400 BC) Greek follower of Pythagoras, and friend of Plato.
TROUVELOT - Etienne L. Trouvelot. (1827 - 1895) French astronomer.