58.Fracastorius The dark plains of Mare Nectaris, the lava flooded walled plain of Fracastorius, and Piccolini are the most noticeable formations on this part of the Moon. Starting at Beaumont a minor mountain range runs north. BEAUMONT - Élie de Beaumont (1798 - 1874) French geologist. Worked on the geological map of France. Crater. (53km/33Mi ø ) (Dept: 1,700m /5,580 ft) (18.08°S, 28.8°E) Rim breached in the east, lava flooded the interior, only a worn and crater-impacted outer wall left. BOHNENBERGER - Johann G. F. von Bohnenberger (1765 - 1831) German astronomer and mathematician. Crater. (33km /20.5Mi ø ) (Dept: 1,060m /3,480ft) (16.25°S, 40.01°E) Low rim, irregular floor with small hills, small craterlet along the western inner wall. FRACASTORIUS - Girolamo (Hieronymus) Fracastoro (1483 - 1553) Italian poet, physician, and astronomer. Crater. (124Km/77Mi ø ) (21.39°S, 33.03°E) Flooded horse shoe shaped remains of a crater, now a bay of Mare Nectaris. The remains of the crater wall still standing are as high as 2,400m /7,875ft. MARE NECTARIS - See of Nectar. Named by Riccioli. Mare. (333km /207Mi ø ) (101,000 km² /38,996Mi² ) (15.2°S, 35.5°E) Circular Mare. PICCOLOMINI - Alessandro Piccolomini (1508 - 1578) Italian archbishop and astronomer. Author of Star charts, on which the stars were marked with Latin letters, later Bayer would use Greek letters to do the same.. Crater. (88km /55Mi ø ) (Dept: 4,500m /14,760ft) (29.74°S, 32.16°E) Circular with wide terraces and a central hill of 2.0 kilometers/6,560ft high. A few craterlets on the inner floor. MONTES PYRENAEUS - Named after the mountain range on Earth by Johannes Mädler. Mountains. (164km /102Mi ø ) (Height: 3,000m /9,840ft) (15.62°S, 41.02°E) Named after the mountains, or after a kind of cheese, (the Moon is said to be made out of blue cheese..) The names of the cheese and the mountains sound the same. ROSSE - William Parson Earl of Rosse (1800 - 1867) Irish astronomer. Builder of a mirror telescope with a 180cm mirror (F 168cm), the biggest ever at that time. With which he studied the spiral structure of galaxies. He named the Owl, Crab, and Dumbell nebulae. Crater. (12km /7.5Mi ø ) (Dept: 2,420m /7,970ft) (17.96°S, 34.96°E) Bowl shaped, bright.
WEINEK - Ladislav Weinek (1848-1883) Austrian astronomer, director of the Prague Observatory at Klementinum (1883), author of a Moon atlas. Crater. (32km /20Mi ø ) (Dept: 3,370m /11,055ft) (27.6°S, 37.05°E ) Circular, somewhat eroded, a triple cluster of small craters lies across the northern rim and inner wall, and there are small craterlets along the southern rim.