58.Fracastorius The dark plains of Mare Nectaris, the lava flooded walled plain of Fracastorius, and Piccolini are the most noticeable formations on this part of the Moon. Starting at Beaumont a minor mountain range runs north. BEAUMONT - Élie de Beaumont (1798 - 1874) French geologist. Worked on the geological map of France.
BOHNENBERGER - Johann G. F. von Bohnenberger (1765 - 1831) German astronomer and mathematician.
FRACASTORIUS - Girolamo (Hieronymus) Fracastoro (1483 - 1553) Italian poet, physician, and astronomer.
MARE NECTARIS - See of Nectar. Named by Riccioli.
PICCOLOMINI - Alessandro Piccolomini (1508 - 1578) Italian archbishop and astronomer. Author of Star charts, on which the stars were marked with Latin letters, later Bayer would use Greek letters to do the same..
MONTES PYRENAEUS - Named after the mountain range on Earth by Johannes Mädler.
ROSSE - William Parson Earl of Rosse (1800 - 1867) Irish astronomer. Builder of a mirror telescope with a 180cm mirror (F 168cm), the biggest ever at that time. With which he studied the spiral structure of galaxies. He named the Owl, Crab, and Dumbell nebulae.
WEINEK - Ladislav Weinek (1848-1883) Austrian astronomer, director of the Prague Observatory at Klementinum (1883), author of a Moon atlas.