35.ARAGO ARAGO - Dominique François Arago (1786 - 1853) French astronomer and physicist.
ARIADAEUS - Philip III Arrhidaeus (Φίλιππος Γ' ὁ Ἀρριδαῖος) (Died: 317 BC) Macedonian king. Halve brother of Alexander the Great.
DIONYSIUS - Dionysius (First century AD) Legendary saint.
LAMONT - John Lamont (1805 - 1879) German astronomer. His most important work was on the magnetism of the Earth.
MACLEAR - Sir Thomas Maclear (1794 - 1879) Irish astronomer. He worked with John Herschel until 1838, and performing a survey of the southern sky.
MANNERS - Russell Henry Manners (1800 - 1870) English admiral and astronomer. Administrator for the Royal Society.
RITTER - 1. Carl Ritter (1779-1859) German geographer and surveyor. 2. August Ritter (1826 - 1908) German astrophysicist and engineer.
ROSS - 1. Sir James C. Ross (1800-1862) English polar explorer, geographer and surveyor. 2. Frank E. Ross (1874 - 1966) American astronomer.
SABINE - Sir Edward Sabine (1788 - 1883) Irish physicist, mathematician, and astronomer.
SCHMIDT - 1. Johann F. J. Schmidt (1779-1859) German Selenologist. 2. Bernhard Schmidt (1826 - 1908) German astronomer and optical-engineer. 3. Otto Yulyevich Schmidtt (О́тто Ю́льевич Шмидт) (1826 - 1908) Russian physicist, mathematician and astronomer.
SOSIGENES - Sosigenes (46 BC) Greek astronomer. Consulted by Caesar about the changes to the calendar.
MARE TRANQUILLITATIS - Sea of Tranquility Named so by Riccioli.
TRANQUILLITATIS STATIO - Landing site (20:17:40 GMT, July 20, 1969 AD) The first manned landing on the Moon.