60.Vendelinus The eastern edge of the visible side of the Moon, with the grand walled plain of Humboldt, best to be viewed just after full Moon. The walled plain of Vendelinus is part of the crater chain Langrenius-Vendelinus-Petavius-Furnerius. BALMER - Johann J. Balmer (1825 - 1898) Swiss mathematician and physicist, know for the "Balmer series" in the hydrogen spectrum..
BEHAIM - Martin Behaim (Behem) (1459 - 1507) German sailor and cartographer. Maker of the oldest surviving Earth-globe.
BARNARD - Edward Emerson Barnard (1857 -1923) American astronomer. Gifted observational astronomer. Discoverer of Barnard's Star in 1916.
GIBBS - Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839 - 1903) American mathematician and physical-chemist.
HECATAEUS - Hecataos (Ἑκαταῖος) (ca. 550 – 476 BC) Greek cartographer, first historian, and author from Milete. Author of an early World map. First to mention the Celts.
HOLDEN - Edward S. Holden (1846 - 1914) American astronomer. First Director of Lick Observatory.
HUMBOLDT - Wilhelm Freiherr von Humboldt (1767 - 1835) German statesman, philologist, linguist. Brother of Alexander von Humboldt.
LAMÉ - Gabriel Lamé (1795-1870) French mathematician. Mathematics applied to engineering.
LEGENDRE - Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752 - 1833) French mathematician. Number theory. Calculations of comet orbits.
PHILLIPS - John Phillips (1800 - 1874) English geologist, observer of Mars and the Moon. Promoter of the Sciences.
SCHORR - Richard Schorr (1867 - 1951) German astronomer. Director of the Hamburg Observatory. Under his direction optician Bernhard Schmidt got room, and time to experiment with new optical assemblies.
VENDELINUS - Godefroid Wendelin (1580 - 1667) Flemish astronomer and observer.