12. Aristillus The eastern shore of Mara Imbrium is one of the most interesting areas of the Moon's surface. We see the lunar Alps, the solitary mountain Pico, and the triangle formed by the craters Archimedes, Autolycus, and Aristillus. Not far from Autolycus Luna two landed. ARISTILLUS - Aristillus. (Born about 280 BC, Greece). One of the first Astronomers of the Greek-Alexandrian School. Lived in Alexandria, Egypt).
AUTOLYCUS - Autolycus of Pitane (Αὐτόλυκος ὁ Πιταναῖος) (Born about 360 BC, Pitane, Aeolis, Western Anatolia - died about 290 BC) Greek astronomer, mathematician, and geographer.
CASSINI - 1. Giovanni Domenico Cassini, 1625 - 1712. Italian - French Astronomer. found the solar parallax, discovered 4 more moons of Saturn, measured the rotation of Jupiter, and the "Cassini divide" in the ring system of Saturn. - 2. Jaques J. Cassini (1677 - 1756) Son of G.D.Cassini, and director of the Observatoire de Paris.
KIRCH - Gottfried Kirch, 1639 - 1710. German Astronomer. Discoverer of the Comet of 1680.
MARE IMBRIUM - See Map 11. MONTES ALPES - Alps. Named so by Hevelius. Designation for the mountains on the North-Eastern edge of Mare Imbrium. Named after the Alps in Europe.
MONS BLANC - Mons Blanc was named after Mont Blanc, a mountain in the Alps on Earth.
MONTES SPITZBERGENSIS - Spitzbergen. Named so by Mary Blagg, because of their likeness to the Islands of Spitsbergen on Earth.
PIAZZI SMYTH - Charles Piazzi Smyth. (Born: Great Britain, 1819 - Died: 1900) British Astronomer, Selenographer. Director of the Edinburgh Observatory. Author of a Pseudo-Scientific a book on numerology concerning the Cheops Pyramid.
PITON - Mount Piton, (Mons Piton was named for a peak on Tenerife Island.)
PROMOTORIUM AGASSIZ - Cape Agassiz. Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz. (Louis Agassiz) (Born: Môtier, Switzerland, in 1807 - Died: Cambridge, England, 1873) Fish and glaciation specialist. Physicist, Naturalist. Work on a Pseudo-scientific Racism theory. (But not a racist himself). Opponent to the theory of Darwin. Named by: Schmidt (1878).
PROMOTORIUM DEVILLE - Cape Deville. Charles Joseph Sainte-Claire Deville (1814–1876) French Geologist.
SINUS LUNICUS - Golf of Lunik. First landing place of an earth space craft on the Moon. Luna 2, in 1959. (32 N, 1.5W)
THEATETUS - Theaetetus of Athens. (About 417 BC – 369 BC) Possibly son of Euphronius. Athenian Mathematician, Philosopher and friend of Plato's.