45.Anděl Highland area with many craters, many of whom are only partly preserved. Still part of the tectonic basin of Mare Imbrium. ALBULFEDA - Ismaïl ibn Arbu'l-Fida (أبو الفداء) (1273 - 1331) Arabian-Syrian astronomer and geographer.
ANDĚL - Karel Anděl (1884 - 1947) Czech teacher and selenographer. Author of "Mappa Selenographia" (1926).
BURNHAM - Sherburne Wesley Burnham (1838 - 1921) American Astronomer.
RENÉ DESCARTES - René Descartes (1596-1650) French philosopher and mathematician.
DOLLOND - John Dollond (1706-1761) English optician and lens grinder, co-inventor of the achromatic lens.
HALLEY - Edmund Halley (1656-1742) English astronomer, published Newton's laws.
HIND - John Russel Hind (1823 - 1895) English astronomer and mathematician.
HORROCKS - Jeremiah Horrocks (1618 - 1641) English astronomer. First to demonstrate that the Moon moved around the Earth in an elliptical orbit; only person to predict the transit of Venus of 1639, an event which he and his friend William Crabtree were the only two people to observe and record.
LADE - Heinrich E. von Lade (1817 - 1904) German banker and amateur astronomer. Commissioned the construction of a lunar globe.
PICKERING - 1.Edward Ch. Pickering (1846-1919). 2.William Henry Pickering (1858 - 1938) (Brothers) American astronomers. Edward worked on stellar spectropocy. William on the solar system, and he built observatories.
RITCHEY - George W. Ritchey (1864 - 1919) American astronomer, inventor, and optician. Constructed the telescopes at Mount Wilson Observatory, cooperated with George Ellery Hale.
SAUNDER - Samuel A. Saunder (1852 - 1912) English selenographer.
THEON JUNIOR - Theon of Alexandria (Θέων) (ca. 335 - 350 BC) Greek-Egyptian astronomer and mathematician.
THEON SENIOR - Theon of Smyrna (Θέων ὁ Σμυρναῖος) (ca.150 BC) Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer.