27.Plutarchus The eastern part of Mare Crisium and the edge of the visible part of the Moon. Good orientation points on the chart are, Eimmart, Alhazen, and Plutarchus. When libration is favorable Goddard with its dark floor, and Mare Marginis are clearly visible. ALHAZEN - Abu Ali al Hasan (ca. 987 - 1038 AD) ( أبو علي، الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم ) Arabian physicist, scientist, polymath, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher.
MARE ANGUIS - Mare Anguis was named Julius Heinrich Franz (1913). It has the shape of a snake. Long and winding.
CANNON - Annie Jump Cannon (1863 - 1941) American astronomer whose cataloging work was instrumental in the development of contemporary stellar classification. (OBAGKM).
MARE CRISIUM - Mare Crisium was named in 1651 by astronomers Francesco Grimaldi and Giovanni Battista Riccioli in their lunar map Almagestum novum.
EIMMART - Georg Christoph Eimmart (1683 - 1705) German amateur astronomer and engraver. Father of astronomer Maria Clara Eimmart.
GODDART - Robbert. H. Goddard. (1882 - 1945) American rocket scientist, physicist, inventor and engineer.
HUBBLE - Edwin Hubble. (1889 - 1953) American astronomer. Discovered that the universe is expanding.
LIAPUNOV - Alexander M. Liapunov (Πρόκλος ὁ Διάδοχος) (1857 – 1918) Russian mathematician and Engineer.
MARE MARGINIS - Mare Marginis was named by Julius Heinrich Franz (1913).
OCEANUS PROCELLARUM - See Map 29. PLUTARCHUS - Plutarch (Πλούταρχος) (ca. 46 - 120 AD) Greek biographer. Author of "On the face of the Moon".
RAYLEIGH - Lord John William Strutt-Rayleigh (1842 - 1919) English physicist. Discoverer of the argon in 1894. Nobel Price 1904.
SENECA - Lucius Annaeus Seneca. (4 BC - 65 AD) Roman philosopher and politician. Author of "Quaestiones Naturales". In this work he stated that comets are heavenly bodies.