22.Conon The Apennines mountain range and the crater Archimedes dominate this part of the Moon near the 0° meridian. MONS AMPÈRE - André Ampère. (1775 - 1836) French physicist and mathematician.
MONTES APENNINUS - Montes Apennines. Named after the Italian mountains by Hevelius in 1647.
ARATUS - Aratos. (ca. 315 - 249 BC) Greek author and poet. Wrote the oldest know description, of the 48 constellations (naming them), known in antiquity.
ARCHIMEDES - Archimedes (ca. 287 - 212 BC) Greek mathematician and scientist.
MONS BRADLEY - James Bradley. (1692 - 1762) English astronomer, discoverer of two fundamental discoveries in astronomy, the aberration of light, and the nutation of the Earth's axis, Astronomer Royal.
CONON - Conon. (ca. 260 BC). Greek astronomer and mathematician.
PROMONTORIUM FRESNEL - Cape Fresnel. (Auguste-Jean Fresnel) (1788 - 1827) French physicist, optical researcher. Specialist on the subject of refraction and the diffraction. Inventor of lenses and mirrors wearing his name, (and used in lighthouses).
MONS HADLEY - John Hadley. (1782 - 1844) English Physicist and technician.
MONS HUYGENS - Christiaan Huygens. (1629 - 1695) Dutch astronomer, mathematician, optical scientist, telescope builder, physicist, and diplomat. Discoverer of the ring of Saturn and its satellite Titan in 1655. First hypothesis on the nature of stars and Sun. Member of the English Royal Society in 1663. First drawings of features on Mars. (Syrtis Major) Which he used to find the length of the Martian day.
MARCO POLO - Marco Polo. (ca. 260 BC). Italian merchant, traveler, and discoverer. Traveled to China and wrote a detailed chronicle about his travels.
MARE VAPORUM - Sea of Vapors. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651. (Riccioli's Moon Map).
PALUS PUTREDINIS - Marsh of Decay. Named so by Riccioli. (1651) Riccioli's Moon Map.