10.Sinus Iridum North Western part of Mare Imbrium which contains the Sinus Iridum, the Rainbow bay nearby which (on December 14, 2013), the Chinese Lander -Rover combination "Jade Rabbit" landed following Luna 17, with rover Lunachod, (November 15, 1970), 43 years earlier. The Edge of the Rainbow bay is formed by the Jura mountains, which end in two cape: Promontorium Laplace (NE), and Promontorium Heraclides (SW) both embracing the Rainbow Bay. CARLINI - Francesco Carlini (1783 - 1862) Italian Astronomer, worked in the field of celestial mechanics, perfected the theory on the movements of the Moon.
HEIS - Eduard Heis. (18 February 1806, Cologne - 30 June 1877 in Münster) German Astronomer, Mathematician, Author of "Atlas Coelestis Novus" Cologne, 1872. Variable star specialist.
HELICON - Helicon. Astronomer born in Cyzicus (Κύζικος) 450 BC. Greece. Disciple of Plato and Eudoxus. Predicted an eclipse of Sun.
PROMONTORIUM HERACLIDES - Heraclides of Pontus (Ἡρακλείδης ὁ Ποντικός).Greek Astronomer. (Born: Heraclea Pontica in 390 BC - Died: Heraclea Pontica 310 BC) Disciple of Plato. Heraclides proposed that the apparent daily motion of the stars was created by the rotation of the Earth on its axis once a day.
HERSCHEL (CAROLYN) - Carolyn Lucretia Herschel (16 March 1750 - 9 January 1848) German Astronomer. Discoverer of several comets and in particular the periodic comet 35P/Herschel-Rigollet, which bears her name.
MARE IMBRIUM - Sea of Rains. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651. (Riccioli's Moon Map)
SINUS IRIDUM - The feature was given the Latin name for the Bay of Rainbows by Giovanni Riccioli in 1651. Planned landing site of Chang'e 3, Jade Rabbit, China's 2013 lunar exploration mission, which landed nearby in Mare Imbrium.
MONTES JURA - Montes Jura, named after the Jura Mountains in western Switzerland. Named by German cartographer Ernst Debes
PROMONTORIUM LAPLACE - Cape Laplace. Named after, Pierre Simon marquis de Laplace. (Born: Beaumont en Auge, France, 1749 - Died: Paris, France, 1827) French Astronomer mathematician and physicist. Member of the Academy of Sciences in 1783. Came up with the theory of the nebular origin of the solar system in 1796. Works in celestial mechanic from 1798 to 1825. Theory of probabilities in 1812. Works on gases and the sounds.
SHARP - Abraham Sharp. (born in Horton Hall in Little Horton, Bradford,1653 – Died: 18 July 1742) English mathematician and astronomer and computer, Sharp calculated pi to 72 decimal places.