11.Le Verrier In the Central and Northern part of Mare Imbrium we find few big craters, and also few mountain chains. Interesting views we see at Sunrise and sunset, the mountains at the northern edge of the map than cast long shadows, which in the past caused people to get the wrong idea about the heights of the mountains. South (40km) of Laplace F we find Jade Rabbit, the Chinese Moomlander plus Rover. (44° 7′ 12″ N, 19° 30′ 36″ W ) (December 14, 2013). LE VERRIER - Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrier. (Saint Lô, France, in 1811- Paris, France in 1877) French Mathematician and Astronomer, calculated the position of the, than still undiscovered, planet Neptune in 1846, (independent of Adams) Member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1846. Director of the observatory of Paris in 1854.
PICO - Mons Pico. Named after a mountain on Tenerife (by: Schröter in 1802).
MONTES RECTI - Montes Recti, Latin name for "Straight Mountains", named so by Birt and Lee in 1865).
MONTES TENERIFFE - Mountains of Tenerife, named so by Birt and Lee in 1865).
MARE IMBRIUM - Sea of Rains. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651. (Riccioli's Moon Map)
Laplace | F | 6.0 km | 45.6° N, 19.8° W | |||||
Le Verrier | B | 9.1 km | Dept: 0.980m | 40.1° N, 12.8° W | |||
Le Verrier | D | 5.1 km | Dept: 1.830m | 39.6° N, 12.2° W | ||||
Le Verrier | W | 3.3 km | Dept: 0.620m | 39.4° N, 13.9° W | ||||