21.Timocharis South-eastern part of mare Imbrium, south-western part of the Apennines mountain range, ending at Eratosthenes. When the Sun is high over the horizon a network of rays coming Copernicus is visible. Visible when the Sun is low over the horizon, a lunar dome and a mountain system near Beer crater. MONTES APENNINUS - Montes Apennines. Named after the Italian mountains by Hevelius in 1647.
BEER - Wilhelm Wolff Beer. (1671 - 1750) German amateur astronomer. Together with Johann Heinrich Mädler he produced the first exact map of the Moon (Mappa Selenographica). Build his own observatory in Berlin Zoo.
ERATOSTHENES - Eratosthenes (ca. 276 - 194 BC) Greek astronomer, geographer, surveyor and cartographer. Director of the library of Alexandria. The first to measure the circumference of the Earth (using the angles of the rays of the sun, and shadows).
FEUILLÉE - Louis Feuillée. (1660 - 1732) French monk, director of the Marseille Observatory.
MARE IMBRIUM - Sea of Rains. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651. (Riccioli's Moon Map)
TIMOCHARIS - Timocharis. (ca. 320 - 260 BC) Greek Alexandrian astronomer. Measured the parallax of Spica, 150 years later Hipparchus used this data to calculate its precession.
WALLACE - Alfred Russel Wallace. (1823 - 1913) Welch naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, and biologist. Came to the same conclusions as Darwin, independently.
WOLFF - MONS (Part of he Montes Apenninus on the edge of Mare Imbrium) Named (in 1961) after German philosopher and mathematician Baron Christian von Wolff.(1679 - 1754) .