53.Bullialdus Western part of Mare Nubium, where we find the crater Bullialdus. Here we find the "bridge" over the Bullialdus W valley near the crater Agatharchides O. The dome of Kies Pi, and the rilles Rimae Hippalus and Rima Hesiodes. BULLIALDUS - Ismael Boulliaud. (1605-1794) French astronomer historian and theologian. Crater. (61 km/38Mi mi ø ) (Dept: 3,510m /11,515ft) (20.74°S, 22.36°W) Circular formation, terraced slopes, central mountains, on the outside of the crater rim, radial structures. Central mountain over a 1,000m high. CAMPANUS - Giovanni Campano. (13th century AD) Italian astronomer and theologian. Crater. (48km /30Mi ø ) (Dept: 2,080m /6,824ft) (28.05°S, 27.94°W) Circular, floor resurfaced with lava, small central mountain. DARNEY - Maurice Darney (1882– 1958) French Astronomer and Moon observer. Specialist in selenography, studied the topography of the Montes Caucasus and Mare Imbrium. Crater. (15km /9Mi ø ) (Dept: 2,620m /8,595ft) (14.5°S, 23.5.0°W) Circular bowl shaped formation, Steep slopes, high walls. PALUS EPIEMIARUM - Swamp of Sicknesses. Named by Schmidt. Palus. (286Km /178Mi ø ) (32.0°S, 28.2°W) East - west running Mare, contains a systems of rilles. GOULD - Benjamin A. Gould (1824-1896) American astronomer who did research on the southern sky. (The Cordoba Durchmunsterung) He founded the magazine "Astronomical Journal". Crater. (34km /21Mi ø ) (Dept: 190m /623ft) (19.25°S, 17.3°W) Flooded crater remains, with a partly disappeared low outer rim. Gould P and A dominate the floor. HIPPALUS - Hippalus (Ἵππαλος) (1st century BC) Greek Navigator and cartographer. Found out how to sail to India from the red sea, using the monsoon. Crater. (58km /36Mi ø ) (Height: 1.230m /4,035ft) (24.8°S, 30.2°W) Crater remnant. The southwest rim of Hippalus is missing, and the crater forms a bay along the edge of the mare. KIES - Johann Kies (1713 - 1781) German astronomer and mathematician. Crater. (44km /27Mi ø ) (Dept: 390m /1,280ft) (26.31°S, 22.65°W) Lava flooded, low circular rim, craterlets. KÖNIG - Rudolf König (1824-1896) Austrian astronomer selenographer, musician, businessman. He build his own observatory, did 47,00 measurements of Moon formations. His Zeiss-telescope is still in use at the Prague Observatory. Crater. (23km /14Mi ø ) (Dept: 2,440m /8,005ft) (24.23°S, 24.74°W) Crater floor rough and irregular, with a very small central hill. LUBINIEZKY - Stanislaw Lubiniezky (1623 - 1675) Polish astronomer who studied historic comets. Crater. (44km /27Mi ø ) (Dept: 780m /2,560ft) (17.92°S, 23.93°W) Lava flooded, circular. Very low rim. Floor with craterlets.
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MERCATOR - Gerard Kremer (1512 - 1594) Flemish cartographer. Used as first the word "Atlas" for a collection of maps. The "Mercator Projection" was invented by him. Crater. (47km /29Mi ø ) (Dept: 1,760m /5,774ft) ( 29.27°S, 26.2 °W) Lava flooded, circular. The craters Mercator C, D, F, and B saddle the rim. MARE NUBIUM - Sea of Clouds (Named by Giovanni Riccioli in 1651) ( Riccioli's Moon Map ) Mare (715km /444Mi ø ) (20.59° S, 17.29° W) Roughly circular formation. The rays of Tycho run over the Mare. OPELT - 1.Friedrich W. Opelt (1794 - 1863) German financier who supported the selenographers Lohrmann and Schmidt. 2.Otto Moritz Opelt, son of Friedrich W. Opelt, continued his scientific work.Crater. (51km /32Mi ø ) (Dept: 770m /2,525ft) (16°S, 18°W) Crater remains.