70. Phocylides
Landscape at the south
western edge of the moon, with the interesting crater Wargentin, filled up
to the rim with lave, so that the crater floor resembles a high plateau.
the crater Pingré lays at the inner side of the wall of a moon-basin, and
has a diameter of 300 km.
Nasmyth (1808 - 1890) Scottish Engineer. Inventor of the steam-pile,
improved the steam-hammer. Built and provided telescopes, Selenologist and
author of several books on the surface of the Moon.
(80Km / 47Mi
ř ) (Dept: 2,300m /7,000ft) (50.5°S, 56.2°W) Circular formation forming
an interesting trio with Wargentin and Phocylides. Few steep slopes
overlapped by Wargentin to the North-West. Few high walls crushed by
Phocylides to the South and supporting Nasmyth D to the North. Flat floor
filled with lava and
sprinkled with craterlets that get larger towards the center.
Johann Jacob Nöggerath.
(October 10, 1788, Bonn, Germany - September 13, 1877)
German Geologist and Mineralogist.
(32Km / 19 Mi ř ) (49 S, 46
W) (Dept: 1,500m / 4,500ft) (48.8° S, 45.7° W) Isolated circular
formation. Few steep slopes supporting Noggerath J to the West Noggerath H
to the South-West and Noggerath G to the South. Few high walls ridden by
three craterlets to the South. Flat floor filled with lava.
Johannes (Jan) Fokker Holwarda. (Born:
1618, Holwerd, Friesland - died: 1651) Dutch Astronomer. Was convinced
that stars move, and are not stationary like most people believed at that
time. Discoverer of Mira's (Omicron Ceti's) variation in brightness in
(117Km / 69 Mi
) (Depth: 2,100m) (52.9° S, 57.3° W) Walled plain, forming an
interesting trio with Wargentin and Nasmyth. Few steep slopes overlapping
Nasmyth to the North supporting Phocylides C and J to the North-East and
Phocylides J to the South-West. Few high walls ridden by Phocylides F to
the South, flat floor filled with lava. Numerous craterlets, larger to the
North-East. Breakthrough connecting Phocylides F to the center. Floor
cover by lava.
Alexandre Guy Pingré. (11
September, 1711 – 1 May, 1796)
French Theologian, Geographer and Astronomer. Author of "Cométographie",
a list of up to than known Comets, with as last in the list the planet
Uranus just discovered by Herschel, and at that time still mistakenly seen
as a comet.
Km / 54Mi
ř ) (Dept: 2,300m /7,000ft) (58.7° S, 73.7° W)
Formerly known as Pingré
A. Isolated circular formation, steep slopes supporting many
craters like Pingré F to the South-East.
Pehr Vilhelm Wargentin. (1717 - 1783)
Swedish Astronomer and Demographer and director of the Stockholm
(87Km / 51Mi ř
) (Dept: 300m / 900ft) (49.6° S, 60.2° W) Biggest representative
of the rare class of craters filled up till the brim with dark lava
(non-existent walls), the heightened circular floor is
intersected by
many veins or
wrinkles. Steep slopes overlapping Nasmyth to the South-East, the Crater
is forming a trio with Nasmyth and Phocylides. Hills.