16. GAUSS The northern edge of the Moon disc with the great walled plain Gauss and the prominent craters Geminus, Berosus and Hahn. East of the crater Schumacher we see a dark spot of the Mare type. BERNOUILLI - Jacques Bernoulli, (Born at: Basel, Swiss, in 1654, died: Basel, 1705). Swiss Mathematician and physicist. Works on the infinitesimal calculation. Specialist of probabilities. Crater. (49 Km /9 Mi) (Dept: 4,000 m /12,100 ft) (35.0° N, 60.7° E) Circular formation. Few steep slopes supporting Bernouilli A to the North. Very high walls in terraces. Flat floor. Central mountain. BEROSUS - Berosos (Βήρωσσος) (Born in Babylon, 330 BC) Babylonian astronomer priest and historian. Inventor of a solar dial. Author of a history of Babylon in about 280 BC. Crater. (77 Km /45 Mi) (Dept: 3,600 m) (33.5° N, 69.9° E) Circular formation. Steep slopes. Few high walls in terraces. Flat floor filled with dark lava. BOSS - Lewis Boss. (born in U.S.A. in 1846, Died in 1912). American astronomer. Author of a catalogue of stars. Crater. (49 Km /29 Mi) (Dept: 3,660 m) (45.8°N, 89.2°E) In the zone of librations. Circular formation. Steep slopes. High walls. Flat floor. Small central mountain. BURCKHARDT - Johan K. Burckhardt (Born in 1773, Germany, died in 1825) German astronomer and meteorologist. Crater. (60 Km /35 Mi) (Dept: 4,840 m /14,700ft) (31.1° N, 56.5° E) Circular formation. Steep slopes supporting Burckhardt E to the South-West Burckhardt F to the North-East and Burckhardt A to the South-East. High walls. Flat floor. Central mountain. Line of crest to the South-East. GAUSS - Carl Friedrich Gauss. German Mathematician astronomer and physicist (born: Braunschweig, Germany in 1777 Died : Göttingen, Germany in 1855) Works on algebra. Determination of the orbit of Ceres. Tests on the nature of space. Inventor of the magnetometer. General theory of terrestrial magnetism in 1839. Crater. (182 Km /107 Mi) (35.9° N, 79.1° E) Walled plain. Circular formation. Steep slopes. High walls ridden by several craterlets like Gauss B to the East. Very large flat floor with internal craters like Gauss E. Small central mountain. GEMINUS - Geminos of Rhodos. (Γεμῖνος ὁ Ῥόδιος) Greek astronomer and mathematician (born in Greece about 70 BC). Author of a "Theory of mathematics" and "An Introduction to phenomena". (88 Km /52 Mi) (Dept: 5,400 m /16,400 ft) (34.5°N, 56.7°E) Circular formation. Very steep slopes supporting the craterlet. Geminus C to the South-East. Wall in very raised terraces. Flat and extensive floor with central mountain, hills and craterlets. HAHN - 1.Graf Friedrich von Hahn. German astronomer (born: Germany 1741, Died in 1805) 2.Otto Hahn. (1879 - 1968) German chemist and pioneer in the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry. Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of nuclear fission. Crater. (87 Km /51 Mi) (Dept: 3,000 m) (31.3°N, 73.6°E) Circular formation. Steep slopes supporting Hahn B to the East. Wall with terraces overlapped by a large crater to the North. Flat floor with a Central mountain. MESSALA - Mashalla. (Jethro, יִתְרוֹ ) Persian /Jewish Astronomer. (born in Jerusalem (?), 740 AD - Died in 815 AD). Crater. Walled plain (128 Km /75 Mi) (1,100 m) (39.2° N, 59.9° E) Circular formation. Few steep slopes supporting Schumacher to the North and Messala E & F to the East. Few high walls crushed by Messala B to the South. Filled Immense flat floor of lava. Small central mountains. Crevices and hills. Lines of crest and craterlets. RIEMANN - Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann. (Born: Breselenz, Germany, September 17, 1826 - Died: Selasca, Italia, July 20, 1866) German mathematician. Studied theology and mathematics. Theory of variable complex functions in 1851. Inventor of topology and a non Euclidian geometry. was an influential German mathematician who made lasting contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry, some of them enabling the later development of general relativity.
(114 Km /67 Mi) (Dept: Unknown.) (39.5°N, 87.2°E) Walled plain. Damaged
circular formation situated in the zone of librations. SCHUMACHER - Heinrich Christian Schumacher. Danish astronomer (Born: Bramstedt, Danmark in 1780 - Died: Altona, Germany in 1850) Founder of the observatory of Altona, Germany, and an the paper "Astronomische Nachrichten" (in 1822). Crater. (63 Km /37 Mi) ( Dept: 1,700 m) (42.4°N, 60.7°E) Wrecked formation. Few steep slopes supporting Carrington to the North-East, overlapped by a crater to the West and crushed by Messala to the South. Few high walls. Flat floor filled with lava. ZENO - 1. Zeno of Elea (Ζήνων ὁ Ἐλεάτης) (Born at: Elea in 490 BC – died ca. 430 BC) Greek philosopher. Author of many mathematics paradoxes. Inventor of philosophical dialogue. Explained eclipses. 2.Zeno of Citium. (Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς) (ca. 334 - 262 BC) The founder of the Stoic school of philosophy. Crater. (66 Km /39 Mi) (Dept: 4,420 m) (45.2°N, 72.9°E) Circular formation. Few steep slopes supporting the trio Zeno D, A & B to the South-West. Few high walls ridden by several craterlets. Flat floor.