16. GAUSS The northern edge of the Moon disc with the great walled plain Gauss and the prominent craters Geminus, Berosus and Hahn. East of the crater Schumacher we see a dark spot of the Mare type. BERNOUILLI - Jacques Bernoulli, (Born at: Basel, Swiss, in 1654, died: Basel, 1705). Swiss Mathematician and physicist. Works on the infinitesimal calculation. Specialist of probabilities.
BEROSUS - Berosos (Βήρωσσος) (Born in Babylon, 330 BC) Babylonian astronomer priest and historian. Inventor of a solar dial. Author of a history of Babylon in about 280 BC.
BOSS - Lewis Boss. (born in U.S.A. in 1846, Died in 1912). American astronomer. Author of a catalogue of stars.
BURCKHARDT - Johan K. Burckhardt (Born in 1773, Germany, died in 1825) German astronomer and meteorologist.
GAUSS - Carl Friedrich Gauss. German Mathematician astronomer and physicist (born: Braunschweig, Germany in 1777 Died : Göttingen, Germany in 1855) Works on algebra. Determination of the orbit of Ceres. Tests on the nature of space. Inventor of the magnetometer. General theory of terrestrial magnetism in 1839.
GEMINUS - Geminos of Rhodos. (Γεμῖνος ὁ Ῥόδιος) Greek astronomer and mathematician (born in Greece about 70 BC). Author of a "Theory of mathematics" and "An Introduction to phenomena".
HAHN - 1.Graf Friedrich von Hahn. German astronomer (born: Germany 1741, Died in 1805) 2.Otto Hahn. (1879 - 1968) German chemist and pioneer in the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry. Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of nuclear fission.
MESSALA - Mashalla. (Jethro, יִתְרוֹ ) Persian /Jewish Astronomer. (born in Jerusalem (?), 740 AD - Died in 815 AD).
RIEMANN - Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann. (Born: Breselenz, Germany, September 17, 1826 - Died: Selasca, Italia, July 20, 1866) German mathematician. Studied theology and mathematics. Theory of variable complex functions in 1851. Inventor of topology and a non Euclidian geometry. was an influential German mathematician who made lasting contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry, some of them enabling the later development of general relativity.
SCHUMACHER - Heinrich Christian Schumacher. Danish astronomer (Born: Bramstedt, Danmark in 1780 - Died: Altona, Germany in 1850) Founder of the observatory of Altona, Germany, and an the paper "Astronomische Nachrichten" (in 1822).
ZENO - 1. Zeno of Elea (Ζήνων ὁ Ἐλεάτης) (Born at: Elea in 490 BC – died ca. 430 BC) Greek philosopher. Author of many mathematics paradoxes. Inventor of philosophical dialogue. Explained eclipses. 2.Zeno of Citium. (Ζήνων ὁ Κιτιεύς) (ca. 334 - 262 BC) The founder of the Stoic school of philosophy.