05.Aristoteles The eastern part of Mare Frigoris and the northern edge of the visible part of the Moon. The crater Aristoteles is the most interesting formation on the chart ARNOLD - Christoph Arnold. (1650 - 1695) German amateur astronomer.
ARISTOTELES - Aristoteles. (383 - 322 BC) Greek Philosopher and universal scientist.
BAILLAUD - Benjamin Baillaud. (1848 - 1934) French astronomer.
DEMOCRITUS - Democritus (Δημόκριτος) (470 - 360 BC) Greek philosopher who formulated an atomic theory for the universe.
DE SITTER - Willem de Sitter. (1872 - 1934). Dutch cosmologist, astrophysicist, and astronomer worked on the theory of special relativity and relativity.
EUCTEMON - Euctemon (ca. 432 BC) Greek astronomer from Athens.
GALLE - Johann G. Galle. (1812 - 1910) German astronomer who in 1846, discovered the planet Neptune, with the help of the calculations of French astronomer Le Verrier.
KANE - Elisha K. Kane. (1820 - 1857) American explorer and polar explorer.
C. MAYER - Christian Mayer. (1793 - 1864) German/Czech astronomer. Did research into double stars.
MITCHELL - Maria Mitchell. (1818 - 1889) American astronomer. Director of the Vassar College Observatory. Discoverer of Mitchells comet (C/1847 T1)
MOIGNO - François-Napoléon-Marie Moigno. (1804 - 1884) French scientist.
NANSEN - Fridtjof Nansen. (1861 – 1930) Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
NEISON - Edmund Neison. (1851 - 1940) English selenographer.
PETERMANN - August Petermann. (1851 - 1940) German cartographer.
PETERS - Christian A. F. Peters. (1806 - 1880) German astronomer.
SHEEPSHANKS - Anne Sheepshanks. (1789 - 1876) English Selenographer.