61.Piazzi South-western edge of the visible part of the Moon. The system of radial mountain ridges and valleys around Mare Orientale ends here, Vallis Bouvard, Vallis Inghirami and Vallis Baade. From Earth difficult to observe because of the low angles. BAADE - Walter Baade (1893 - 1960) German astronomer. Worked at Mt. Wilson and Mt. Palomar Observatory. Through his work he contributed greatly to our knowledge about our, and other, Galaxies.
VALLIS BOUVARD - Alexis Bouvard (1767 -1843) French mathematician and astronomer, discoverer of several comets.
CATALAN - Miguel Catalán (1894 - 1957) Spanish physicist and specialist in spectroscopy.
FOURIER - Jean Babtiste Joseph Baron de Fourier (1768 - 1830) French physicist and mathematician. The discoverer of the greenhouse effect.
GRAFF - Kasimir R. Graff (1878 - 1950) German/Austrian astronomer, of Polish decent. Worked on Moon maps, visual observer.
LACROIX - Sylvestre F. de Lacroix (1723 - 1788) French Mathematician and teacher.
LAGRANGE - Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736 - 1813) French mathematician and author of "Mecanique Analytique", known from the Lagrangian points in planetary orbits.
LEHMANN - Jacob H. W. Lehmann (1800 - 1863) German theologian and astronomer, worked on celestial mechanics.
PIAZZI - Giuseppe Piazzi. (1746 - 1826) Italian astronomer, discovered the first Planetoid. (Ceres).
SHALER - Nathaniel S. Shaler (1841 - 1906) American geologist and paleontologist. Geological analysis of Moon pictures.
Wright - 1. Frederick E. Wright (1878 - 1953) American astronomer and selenographer. 2. Thomas Wright (1711 - 1786) British philosopher and physicist. 3. William H. Wright (1871 - 1959) American astronomer. Mars photography.