33.Triesnecker Highland area, surrounded by the dark areas of Mare Vaporum, Sinus Medii, and Sinus Aestuum. Complicated rille systems near Triesnecker. Parts of the Hyginus Rille. SINUS AESTUUM - Bay of Billows. Named by: Giovanni Riccioli (1598 - 1671). Landing site of Surveyor 2 .
BLAGG - Mary Adela Blagg (1858 – 1944) English astronomer. Worked on selenography, particularly on the problem of developing a uniform system of lunar nomenclature, and on variable star catalogues.
BODE - Johann Elert Bode. (1747 - 1826) German astronomer. Creator of Bode's law.
BRUCE - Catherine Wolfe Bruce. (1816 - 1900) American philanthropist and patroness of astronomy.
CHLADNI - Ernst F. F. Chladni (1755 - 1830) German physicist, discovered, as first, that meteorites are of cosmic origin.(1794).
SINUS MEDII - Latin name for the Bay of the Middle. Named by Michael Van Langren, in his 1645 map. (Other sources note it was named by Johann Heinrich von Mädler at a later date).
MURCHISON - Roderick Murchison (1792 - 1871) Scottish Geologist, and paleontologist.
PALLAS - Peter Simon Pallas (1783 - 1862) German physicist, explorer, discoverer of the Pallas Meteorite at Krasnoyarsk.
RHAETICUS - Georg J. von Lauchen (Rhaeticus). (1514-1576) German astronomer, mathematician. Only pupil of Copernicus, facilitated the publication of his master's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium", (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres).
TRIESNECKER - Franz de Paula Triesnecker. (1745 - 1817) Austrian astronomer, philosopher.
UKERT - Friedrich August Ukert. (1780-1851) German librarian and historian.
MARE VAPORUM - Sea of Vapors. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651. (Riccioli's Moon Map)