31. Copernicus One of the best known and most prominent Moon formations is without doubt the crater Copernicus. The system of rays starting at this crater is clearly viable specially across Mare Imbrium. ( See chart 20 and 21) North of Copernicus we see the mountain tops of the Carpathians. In the west we see a cluster of solitary mountain tops hundreds of meters high. MONTES CARPATUS - The Carpathians. Named so by Mädler. Designation for the mountains on the southern edge of Mare Imbrium.
COPERNICUS - Nikolaus Kopernikus. Polish/German Astronomer. (Born at: Torun in 1473 - Died at: Frauenburg in 1543) Canon of Frauenburg in 1479. Doctor of the university of Ferrare in 1503. Author of the "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" in 1543 presenting the heliocentric system in which the Earth and the other planets follow orbits around the Sun.
FAUTH - Philipp Johann Heinrich Fauth ( Born: Germany, March 19, 1867 - Died, Germany, January 4, 1941) German Amateur Astronomer And Selenographer. He compiled an extensive atlas of the Moon.
GAY LUSSAC - Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac. (Born: Saint-Léonard de Nob, France in 1778 - Died : Paris, France in 1850). Physicist and chemist. Discoverer of the Law of the dilation of gases in 1802. Preparation of Kalium, Natrium and many acids. Discovery of halogens.
REINHOLD - Erasmus Reinhold. (Born; Saalfeld, Germany in 1511 - Died: Saalfeld, Germany in 1553) German Astronomer. Supporter of Copernicus. Made new calculations in support of the heliocentric system.