55.Arzachel Area with big craters near the zero meridian, south of the walled plains of Ptolomeus and Alphonsus, who form a group with Arzachel. ALIACENSIS - Pierre d'Ailly. (1351-1420) French cardinal/astrologer. Crater. (79km Ø ) (3,700m) (30.6°S, 5.2°E) Rim circular, with an outward bulge on the eastern wall, inner wall has some slight terracing particularly in the northeast. ALPETRAGIUS - Nur Ed-Din Al Betrugi (12th century AD) Arabian astronomer. Crater. (40km Ø ) (3,900m) (16.0°S, 4.5°W) Large central peak, 2,000m. ARZACHEL - Al Zarkala (ca.1028– 1087) Spanish-Arabian astronomer. Crater. (96km Ø ) (3,600m) (18.2°S, 1.9°W) Central peak 1,500m, terraced wall. BLANCHINUS - Giovanni Bianchini (ca. 1458) Italian astronomer. Crater. (60km Ø ) (1,160m) (25.35° S, 2.37° E) Eroded, craterlets. DELAUNAY - Charles-Eugène Delaunay (1817 - 1872) French selenographer, astronomer, and mathematician. Crater. (46km Ø ) (1,900m) (22.2°S, 2.5°E) Floor heart-shaped appearance, rim irregular. DONATI - Giovanni Battista Donati (1826 - 1873) Italian astronomer and mathematician. Crater. (36km Ø ) (2,700m) (20.75° S, 5.02° E) Eroded, central hill, craterlets on the rim. FAYE - Hervé Faye (1814 - 1902) French astronomer. Crater. (36km Ø ) (2,400m) (21.4°S, 3.9°E) Rim heavily damaged, partly missing. Central mountain. KRUSENSTERN - Iwan F. Krusenstern (1770 -1846) Russian naval officer. Crater. (47km Ø ) (1,600m) (26.2°S, 5.9°E) Outer rim heavily worn by impact erosion, leaving an irregular ring of rising ridges and an inner wall incised by impacts. LA CAILLE - Nicolas Louis de La Caille (1713 - 1762) French astronomer. Crater. (68km Ø ) (2,800m) (23.8°S, 1.1°E ) Rim eroded, satellite craters. PARROT - Johann Jacob Friedrich Wilhelm Parrot (1792 - 1841) German naturalist and explorer. Crater. (70km Ø ) (1,100m) (14.5°S, 3.3°E) Remains of a crater, rim eroded away. PURBACH - Georg von Peuerbach (1423 - 1461) Austrian astronomer, mathematician and instrument maker. Crater. (118km Ø ) (3,000m) (25.5°S, 1.9°W) Outer wall of Purbach is heavily worn, ghost crater on the floor.
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REGIOMONTANUS - Johannes Müller (1436- 1476) German mathematician, astronomer, translator, instrument maker. Crater. (126 × 110km Ø ) (1,700m) (28.4°S, 1.0°W ) Eroded, oval shaped. THEBIT - Thebit ibn Korah (ثابت بن قرة, )i(826 - 901) Arab astronomer from Bagdad. Crater. (57km Ø ) (3,300m) (22.0°S, 4.0°W) Circular with Thebit A on the north-western rim. WERNER - Johannes Werner (1468 - 1522) German astronomer, mathematician, instrument maker, and cartographer. Crater. (70 km Ø ) (4,200m) (28.0°S, 3.3°E) Circular, terraced, central hill, sharp edge.