38.NEPER Eastern edge of the visible side of the Moon. We see a number of small mares. Mare Marginis, Mare Smythii, Mare Spumans, and Mare Undarum. PROMONTORIUM AGARUM - Cape Agarum. Named for a cape in the Sea of Azov on Earth. Named by Hevelius in 1647.
APOLLONIUS - Apollonius of Perga (Ἀπολλώνιος) (ca. 262 – 190 BC) Greek astronomer, geometer and mathematician. He gave the ellipse, the parabola, and the hyperbola the names by which we know them.
AUZOUT - Adrien Azout (1622 - 1691) French astronomer. He made contributions in telescope observations, including perfecting the use of the micrometer. In 1664-1665 he made observations of comets, and argued in favor of their following elliptical orbits.
BANACHIEWICZ - Tadeusz Banachiewicz (1882 - 1954) Polish astronomer, geodesist and mathematician.
CONDORCET - Marie Jean-Antoine Marquis de Condorcet (1743 - 1794) French mathematician and philosopher.
DUBIAGO - 1. Dmitry Ivanovich Dubyago (Дмитрий Иванович Дубяго) (1850 - 1918) Russian astronomer. 2. Alexander Dmitriyevich Dubyago (Александр Дмитриевич Дубяго) (1903 - 1959) Russian astronomer and expert in theoretical astrophysics.
MARE FECUNDITATIS - See of Fertility. Named by Riccioli.
FIRMICUS - Julius Firmicus Maternus (4th century BC ) Sicilian astronomer (Syracuse).
HANSEN - Peter Andreas Hansen (1779-1859) Danish astronomer and selenographer.
JANSKY - Karl Jansky (1905 -1950) American radio-astronomer.
MARE MARGINIS - Mare Marginis was named by Julius Heinrich Franz (1847 - 1913).
NEPER - John Napier (1550 - 1617) English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, creator of the first logarithm tables in 1614.
SCHUBERT - Theodor von Schubert (1758-1825) German astronomer and geographer.
MARE SMYTHII - Smyth's Seas was named by John Lee and William Radcliffe Birt in 1865.
MARE SPUMANS - The Foaming Seas was named by Julius Heinrich Franz (1913).
MARE UNDARUM - Sea of Waves. Named so by Julius Heinrich Franz (1913).