08. RÜMKER Prominent on the map the dark expanse of Oceanus Procellarum, the Ocean of Storms. At the right side of the chart the large, elevated mound, comprising of separate domes, of Rümker is visible. The ocean of storms does not reach the edge of the visible part of the Moon, near the edge the highland starts. ASTON - Francis William Aston. (Harborne, England, 1877 - Cambridge, 1945) English Physicist. Discoverer of 212 isotopes. Winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1922.
BUNSEN - Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen. (Göttingen, Germany, 1811 - Heidelberg, Germany, 1899) German Physicist and chemist. Inventor of an electrical battery and many machines and tools used in Laboratories. Inventor of spectral analysis.
DECHEN - Ernst Heinrich Karl von Dechen. (1800 - 1889) German Geologist
GERARD - Alexander Gerard. (1792 - 1839) English Explorer. Known for his exploration of the Himalaya and Tibet.
HARDING - Karl Ludwig Harding. (Lauenburg, Germany, 1765 - Göttingen, Germany, 1834) Discoverer of the asteroid Juno in 1803. Director of the observatory of Göttingen.
HUMASON - Milton Lasell Humason. (Dodge Centre, USA, 1891 - 1972) American Astronomer. Specialist in astrophotography and spectroscopy. Collaborated with Hubble in 1928.
LAVOISIER - Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier. (Paris, France, 1743 - Paris, France, 1794) French Chemist. Member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1768. Discoverer of the Principle of mass conservation. First to analyze Air.
LICHTENBERG - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (Oberramstadt, Germany, 1742 - Göttingen, 1799) German physicist and specialist in static electricity. Writer and art critic.
NAUMANN - Georg Amadeus Carl Friedrich Naumann. (Dresden, Germany, 1797 - Dresden, 1873) German Geologist. Inventor of the symbols used for the classification of different crystals shapes.
OCEANUS PROCELLARUS - Ocean of Storms. Named by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651.
RÜMKER - Carl Ludwig Christian Rümker (1788- 1862) German Astronomer. Director of school of navigation of Hamburg.
ULUGH BEIGH - Ulugh Beg. (Mehmet Turgay Ulug Beg) (March 22, 1394, Sultaniyeh, Persia – October 27, 1449, Samarkand) Mongolian astronomer and mathematician, notable for his work in astronomy-related mathematics, such as trigonometry and spherical geometry. Creator of the observatory of Samarkand with its 40m Quadrant. King of Samarkand.